The NSW Government’s decision to return portable warning signs to mobile speed camera sites has led to a dramatic drop in speeding fines across the state, new data shows.
Since the rollout of signage in late April 2023, fines issued by mobile speed cameras have fallen by 88 per cent compared to the same period the previous year. Approximately 6,650 fines were issued from mobile cameras in May and June 2023, compared to 55,387 during those months in 2022.

This change follows the Minns Government’s April announcement that warning signs would be reinstated around all mobile speed camera vehicles. As of July, every camera vehicle in NSW is now accompanied by two signs placed before and one sign after the camera, providing motorists with clear notice of their presence.
More Warnings, Fewer Fines
In May and June 2022, one in every 311 vehicles passing a camera received a fine. In the same period in 2023, that figure dropped to one in every 1,663 vehicles. The data indicates that more drivers are responding to visible signage by slowing down and adhering to posted speed limits.
The Coalition government had previously removed all signage in 2020 in a controversial move that led to widespread backlash. After several reversals, full signage was finally promised five months before the March 2023 election.
The rollout was delayed due to compatibility issues, as the initial signs were too large to fit in the boots of the newer model camera vehicles.
Government Response
NSW Minister for Roads John Graham welcomed the results, stating:
“The results are in, with large falls in fine revenue as a result of the commonsense return of portable signage to the roadside around speed cameras.
“The fact is the signs should never have been removed and it was the drivers of NSW who paid for the mistake of the previous government through fines and demerit points.

“This is a remarkable drop in infringements, and it is yet more proof that if you give motorists clear signage for their awareness they respond in the right way and road safety is enhanced at those locations.”
Graham emphasised that the goal is not to issue more fines but to improve road safety through preventative measures. He pointed out that speeding contributed to nearly 41 per cent of all road deaths in 2022.
A New Approach to Road Safety
The Minns Government’s broader road safety strategy includes rewarding safe drivers, with an incentive for those who maintain a clean driving record from 17 January 2024 to 17 January 2025 to have a demerit point removed.
“This Government is willing to reward good driver behaviour rather than just taking the stick of enforcement to them,” Graham added.
The return of warning signs is now viewed as a cornerstone of a balanced road safety approach, reinforcing the importance of awareness and deterrence over revenue generation.